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O Eternal! Thy ancient prophet, seeing evils approach cried thus: “When I shall abide in darkness, The Lord will be my light.” (Micah 7:8) Vouchsafe O compassionate God! to make Thy creatures, now enshrouded in the gloom of distress, feel the warmth, and behold the brightness of Thy all-irradiating goodness. | |
To Thee an only brother, who in agony watched the parting breath of his younger brother, turns his agitated thoughts. Calm his perturbation and fill his heart with the joys, which Thy teachings breathe. For, verily, Thou hast assured us through inspiration that when we pass by the valley of the shadow of death, Thou art still with us, and Thou hast also declared that the upright will dwell in Thy presence.[1] Cf. Psalms 23:4-6. | |
To Thee a wife in enfeebled health, directs her tearful eyes. He who, in the exuberance of youthful love, had chosen her as a life-copartner; the man of her boast, upon whom she trustingly leaned for support, has left her in the anguish of widowhood. | |
Deign O Omnipotent God! to renew her vital energies. Enable her to rise above the woful present, and contemplate a future blessed by the success, which will attend the earnest endeavours of those to whom she has given birth. | |
May her children ever conform to paternal counsel, and, gifted with intellect and soul-elevating sentiments, become a solace to their mother. May the filial solicitude of the sons and daughters of Thy handmaid, O Lord! prove to her an inexhaustible source of happiness on earth, until Thy call, after a long series of years, will reunite the wife to the husband, who has preceded her in the realms of bliss. | |
Infuse O God, into all who bemoan the loss of Thy servant, an eager wish to evince practical sympathy towards the creatures he fondly cherished. Sphered on high, he will then experience sweeter delights at the knowledge of the welfare of his household, and of the esteem in which all the members thereof are held. | |
Pardon trespasses, O forgiving God! Reward merits, O just King! and, according to Thy infinite mercy accomplish in all who grieve, the sentence of Jeremiah: “I will change their mourning into joy and will comfort them. I will gladden them out of their sorrow. . . And My people shall be filled with My goodness, saith The Lord.” (Jeremiah 31:13-14) So may it be. Amen. |
This prayer in eulogy for Rabbi George Jacobs (1834-1884) is found in conclusion to “In Memoriam. Address Delivered Last Sabbath by Rev. S. Morais” in the Jewish Record, 18 July 1884, a clipping of which was preserved on page 231 of the Sabato Morais Ledger.
1 | Cf. Psalms 23:4-6. |

“Prayer in Eulogy for Rabbi George Jacobs, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (18 July 1884)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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